As reviewing our money situation which is grim right now we relized that we are spending so much money on daycare. Half of what I make monthly goes to daycare. We can't contiune this way! We can't afford it! I have two choices. I can quit work and stay home babysit 3-4 children from my house or I can take Nathan to work with me. This is tough!!! I have been confused all day! I have spoken to some coworkers who have experineced taking their children to work also. They thought that it maybe very difficult being a teacher instead of an aide.
Anyway, I think John and I have made a decision. I will be staying home next year for at least a year. Who knows what the following year will bring! We will only know when we get closer to the time. I think I will pray / what ever I do to figure out my health insurance! I will hope/ pray that the healthcare bill will go through and help us! I know some would be mad by that be we need a change and I need help with the health insurance companies!
Here are my cuties that I love and want to spend more time with!!!!
Playing the piano at Grammy and PopPop's house!
Brushing thier teeth togther! Don't mind that Nathan's toothbrush is in his mouth incorrectly!
Oh by the way I have my husband's support! I know that maybe weird because as anyone who knows me I don't need that at all I do what I want and I make it work! But it makes me feel so much better! Like it may actually work and it maybe worth it this time!
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