Thursday, April 15, 2010

Work vs Stay at home

I love my boys and often when I get home at 5pm and I have to cook dinner, clean up, bathe my boys and put them to bed there is little if any time to play and hangout.  Sometimes I feel like I am missing out on part of their life.  But I have a career and I do love it!  I love teaching!  I love enjoying my students they make laugh daily and drive me crazy daily also.  I love that Genaveve was able to complete my movie quote the other day.  (its ok the quote was from Madagascar 2) I love that once Demarco finally realized how dangerous it was to jump off the stage he cried for the kids who were scared!  Children are wonderful!

As reviewing our money situation which is grim right now we relized that we are spending so much money on daycare.  Half of what I make monthly goes to daycare.  We can't contiune this way!  We can't afford it! I have two choices. I can quit work and stay home babysit 3-4 children from my house or I can take Nathan to work with me.  This is tough!!!  I have been confused all day!  I have spoken to some coworkers who have experineced taking their children to work also.  They thought that it maybe very difficult being a teacher instead of an aide.

Anyway, I think John and I have made a decision.  I will be staying home next year for at least a year.  Who knows what the following year will bring!  We will only know when we get closer to the time.  I think I will pray / what ever I do to figure out my health insurance!  I will hope/ pray that the healthcare bill will go through and help us!  I know some would be mad by that be we need a change and I need help with the health insurance companies!

Here are my cuties that I love and want to spend more time with!!!!

Playing the piano at Grammy and PopPop's house!

Brushing thier teeth togther! Don't mind that Nathan's toothbrush is in his mouth incorrectly!
Oh by the way I have my husband's support! I know that maybe weird because as anyone who knows me I don't need that at all I do what I want and I make it work! But it makes me feel so much better! Like it may actually work and it maybe worth it this time! 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Great Meat Controversy!

So I don't know what to do with red meat anymore!

I was buying Organic Grass feed beef from Sprouts then I looked at the label and realized that it comes from Uruguay!  Why!
I don't want that either
What to do then I read this article in the newspaper today and I beileve that everyone should read it! It may change the way you think about beef!

Happy Beef Shopping!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter and the Batman Cape

Sorry it took so long but here it is the very anticipated Batman Cape!

Well I think Nathan loved the cape.  He feels that he needs a mask that has those pointy ears like batman has!!!
He is silly it will never be complete in his mind.  He does wear it and run around the house.  He wanted to bring it to mis Monica's house but I was worried that may create an argument so he told me that I needed to make one for everyone.  If he only knew how much work it actually was!

We spent the weekend at my parents house.  I never realized that my mom would enjoy seeing my children on Easter morning so much!
She loved watching them go through their Easter baskets.  She enjoyed hiding eggs with Meghan.  Then walking around holding Carter's hand to help him get the eggs.  As my dad put it she was thrilled!  I think that this maybe our new tradition.  Tucson for Friday through Sunday morning and then head over to the Nestvold house for an easter egg hunt there.  It was perfect we got to see everyone.  

Here are some pictures of my cuties:

Hope everyone had a wonderful hoilday with their family.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I beileve that I may have found a new hobby!

 I have wanted to pick up sewing for a while but struggled everytime I tried with my ancient sewing machine so I have since borrowed my father - in- law's machine and I have fallen in love!!!

Oh the things I have made!!!

The things I have yet to make!!!!

For some reason I need something to keep my hands and mind busy with.  So now it is on to sewing.

I made the book pockets for Nathan and have just finished Jackson's set.  Now the material for Jacksons' was more difficult to work with.  It was think and hard to get it to lay falt.  the stiching is a little bit slanted but otherwise they look good.  I can't wait to see them in Jackson's room.

Last night I also finished a batman cape for my litle superhero.  Luckly enough my wonderful husband suggested looking for directions on line before cutting anything and boy was he right!  I found this amazing cape with instructions.  The instructions were clear and easy to follow. Here is the link:

Anyway you should see the one this woman made it has inspired me to make another one I just have to get some cute fabric.  Mine was so plain.

The Easter Bunny will be delivering this amazing cape to my little superhero on Sunday so I will take pictures then and hopefully he will be equally excited about it as I am.

I also have to mention how greatfull I am of my dear Nana who taught me to sew when I was so young.  It is a skill that I have learned I will always have.  She taught me all the basics: how to follow a pattern, how to thread a machine and needle, tips for cutting material and so on.  I think I need some more advanced lessons so that I can create more.  Marie I will be looking at you for some of those lessons once you move here.

Thank you again Nana!!! Love you always! Your memory will always be with us!