Boy oh boy we have had a terrible winter!!!
If Carter isn't sick then Nathan is.
I beileve that this begun in the begining of November.
Nathan got the dreaded Swine Flu! I was told that for 5 to 7 day he wasn't alowed to be around any other children.
Then there were Carter's Stomache bugs. The one over Thanksgiving and then again on Christmas eve. Not to mention all the people we infected both times! And in between these two things he also got the Roto Virus which turned into a sinus infection. Then he was put on antibiotics which caused a terrible yeast infection which lasted about three whole weeks.
Two weeks ago Carter got a fever again! Another virus!
Now when we finally have a healthy Carter, Nathan is sick. In the middle of the night last night we went to Goodnight Pediatrics (an urgent care office made for children). Nathan had his first x-ray taken or as he understood it a picture taken of his insides. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. I feel exasted! Not sure if it is the lack of sleep at this point or all this sickness!
I am now wishing and hoping that summer and the end of cold and flu season will be here soon!
Here is my sickie at 4:30am after going to urgent care and walgreens and very excited about his gatorade! Mommy wouldn't normally alway this, I must be so lucky!
I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that. Tell Nathan I hope he feels better soon. I keep thinking how tired I'am but I guess you dont know tired until you are up in the middle of the night taking your kid to urgent care. Hope you get some rest too.